Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Who are you?

Not what you do... Not a title... Not what you been told you are... Not what people think you are. But who are you? It's who you are at your core... Maybe it's a title, but it can't just be that.

I am a pastor... but that's not what I am... it's not just a title. When a pastor is WHO you are you're a person that, no matter what, cares about people. It's someone that is ready to help... even if just by listening... sometimes best by just listening. A good pastor is someone that doesn't have an agenda FOR you, but when they're with you, their agenda IS you. How you are, what's going on, how they can laugh with you or cry with you, can they help or do you just wanna hang out? You are NOT a project, but you are loved! As a pastor you're a spiritual leader, but that's just the beginning, not the whole picture.

I'm gratefully broken... I think when that first came to my mind I saw it as a phase in my life... but it's who I am. In the dark and fog, I'm gratefully broken. In the light and joy, I'm gratefully broken. Being so has and does make me who I am. It's also what causes me to change what needs changed. It is the imperfections that are me... and it's the strides that I take to avoid or better those imperfections.

There is more to WHO I am... and the great part about it is that I am continuing to learn it... it doesn't all just come out... you have to search for it... you have to explore and listen and find WHO you are. One of life's many great adventures... and well worth the risk... risk because who you are may not be who you want to be... and that requires a whole other kind of search and adventure... and a different post sometime maybe. :)

I challenge you, take the time to really know WHO you are. Even if you're not a spiritual person, ask God who you are... because it's in HIM that we find these things out.
Feel free to comment on this or leave a comment of WHO you are... I would love to read them!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent idea and a many layered question.
    I found it interesting that you described yourself as the name of your blog, because as soon as I read the question, WHO are you, my own website name came to mind. Stalking Serenity. My life has had it's share of chaos. I have seen and been the target of the worst of who people are and what people can do. I have inadvertently had erroneous "switches" installed that sometimes cause me to think and behave in a certain manner.
    I am someone who for the good part of their adulthood has battled the war between what I know is right and true within my heart and the old "tapes" and "switches" from my past.
    The war within is often loud, obnoxious and annoying, thus always leaving me yearning for and stalking serenity. To just be for once in my life, comfortable within my own skin.
    I am stalking serenity and I am pleased and honored to know you my friend, gratefully broken.
