Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Clearning the Fog

Opened my front door this morning to fog... yes that's right fog... I thought to myself... well it's June and we've gone from winter weather to fall weather... Alright, we're working our way towards summer... just a little backwards. And so I shrugged my shoulders and walked out the door.

I love the fog. I love the feel of the mist against my face, I love how quiet things seem. To me, fog is very peaceful. Some might disagree and don't get me wrong... it's not my favorite to drive in... but I wasn't driving. I was walking in it... I was just "being" in it.

I got on the train and as we started going towards Seattle, the fog began to clear... revealing a gorgeous summy day. At that time I remembered another part of the fog that I love. When it clears... revealing a beautiful new day.

Kinda funny how this can be said about our weather, but also about our lives.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

She's Beautiful

This last weekend Julia and I went for our Horseback Winery Tour. We got to stay the night in one of their Luxery Teepees and it was amazing. It was the perfect mix of rugged (with the ranch and the horses... with the outdoor sink with a mirror for shaving that was right by one of the horse pens... and more) and elegance (with the decor of the teepees and the food that was served and just the atmosphere). It was so relaxing and simply amazing... but this isn't meant to be a review of the place... I'll write one of those on their web site. :)

All of that is needed for this post though. This last weekend there was amazing for me. I was so relaxed and just didn't want to leave. The horses were great, the scenery was breathtaking and so on and so on... but you see, this last weekend was PERFECT for Julia. It wasn't just something she wanted, it was something she NEEDED! She needed to get away. She needed the horses. She needed Pepper and Tiffany (the two that run this place). Whatever it was that she needed, it was there. And as a result she was absolutely glowing. She hasn't glowed like that in a very long time. My wife is breathtakingly beautiful all the time, but seeing her come to life this weekend when she was around those horses made that much more. For too long she has deprived herself from these things that make her come alive. As her husband, it's my pleasure to help her NOT lose that glow.
She is so beautiful all the time... but when she does the things that make her come alive, somehow, that beauty is magnified.