Sunday, January 3, 2010

Why Gratefully Broken?

So why did I choose "Gratefully broken" as the title of my blog? Well... I'm using my blog as sort of a journal. If people find it and enjoy reading it or get something out of it then fine... but really it's just my journal, which should be who I am. And I'm gratefully broken.
I've been through broken... it brought me to so many depths of darkness and to places I never thought I'd see my way out of. And once broken in so many ways, you aren't ever fully pieced back together. But I'm led to wonder if that's how it's actually supposed to be. In that brokeness I have become so strong and confident... and for that... I'm gratefully broken.
This is not to say that I don't still have to travel through dark times and I'm absolutely not saying that they don't suck... they do! They hurt just as much as ever. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm not afraid of the dark nor am I afraid of being broken. So WHEN dark times come, when I'm broken for one reason or another, and when the pain wrenches my heart, I am grateful for what I will receive from it. Because of what my past has taught me, I am able to be gratefully broken

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